January 10, 2007

Riley Update!

SQUAT Time Returns!!!

Well, I had the pleasure of spending some time with Riley last Saturday, and thought I would share the pictures of her cuteness. My mom and I went out to hang with Erika and Riley, so there was Grammy-time and SQUAT (Super Quality Aunt Traci) time! It was most excellent!!

She is really fun these days...smiling lots and very active, but still nice and snuggly! Mom and I both got some snuggle time in since Erika let Riley have a nap on us instead of in her crib! Yay!

Have a great day,
Aunt Churchie


Kendra said...

That is the sweetest snuggle picture I've seen in a long time! What a great grammy . .

Anonymous said...

aww so cute : ) i have YET to meet her