October 5, 2006

Look out Veggies...Here we Come!!

After much waiting and anticipation, October 5, 2006 is proving to be quite an exciting day (and it really hasn't even started yet!!)!!! In about 7 hours I will start my Detox program and in about 8 hours I will leave for the hospital to go and meet my new niece or nephew! What a day!!!

So, here is my first official blog regarding the detox...

We went shopping at the Whole Foods Market this evening to pick up our Whey Protein, Cod Liver Oil, and organic fruits and veggies!! After reading through our materials that arrived today, I made out shopping list and off we went to make sure that we had the rainbow represented in our food for the next few days. We succeeded!!! I officially have ROYGBV in my fridge now!!

After the shopping and then coming home and doing some chopping and packaging, I sat down to count out the pills that we have to take. Good Lord!!! We look like major druggies and I have only done the first 7 days! It's a lot of pills...I mean like alot: it totals up to 34 pills a day!!!

So, I am about to crash and when I wake up, I will make my shake and officially start my detox, then it is off to Plano for the Biggest Event of the Year: the delivery of Mini Cooper!!!!

Please pray for my brother and Erika and the baby!!


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