January 31, 2007

Baby Time!

HA! I fooled you with the title, didn't I??!! No, Cory and I are not expecting...I just wanted to share some fun pictures of my wonderful Tuesday. Not only did I get to spend my usual fun time with Brady-boo, but I also managed to squeeze in some SQUAT time since Brian and Erika went to see BB King in concert.

It was a really fun day full of coos, giggles, drool, spit up, and diaper changes! Ahhh...the fun stuff in life! Actually, I am so blessed that I get to spend my days playing with kids...especially these little ones. Enjoy.

Brady and I are having a chat about his lunch...

After lunch play time....fun stuff!

Riley has just been told that she gets to spend the evening with me!!! Yikes!

Fun times playing on the floor and in the bouncy seat. So cute!


Kendra said...

It's always so fun to open up your blog and see my son's cute little face! Thanks for loving my boys - you are a blessing.

Donny - MarketingTwin #2 said...

You are a great friend to us and our boys!! How fun to see Brady on your blog. He sure loves Ms. Traci!!!

Anonymous said...

Gotta love the babies!