May 24, 2008

Swim Lessons & Baseball

The title pretty much sums up this post. I hung out with Riley and Erika last week and got to go to one of Ri's swimming lessons. She does survivor swimming which essentially teaches little munchkins what to do in the water. She swims and flips over and floats on her back, then flips back over and swims some more. It's way cool and amazing to watch. The day I went it was pretty chilly outside so Riley was not so thrilled with the lesson for the day, but she was a champ and did great! Pictures to prove my little niece is quite a fish...

Along with some quality Riley time, I had some quality Boys of Summer time!!! I mentioned that I took in a few games, and here are some pictures. No actual baseball shots, just some cool pre-game stuff. Last Saturday's game was Military Day at the Ballpark, so all four branches were represented as the National Anthem was played live from Iraq. It was very cool...and to top it off, the Rangers won!

Lovin' Life...

Church Lady

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