October 6, 2008


Meet Avry!

As you all know, I am a sucker for puppies and when I learned that there were 10 adorable babies to pick from a litter that one of my families from school had....well, it was a done deal!! I brought Miss Avry (pronounced "Avery" but spelled silly to keep in line with the other two four letter A name puppies!) home last Thursday evening and it's been a fun filled first weekend with her.

Amos and Andi are adjusting better than I expected and Avry is a little rock star really. The accidents are minimal and the cuteness is at a max! We're not really sure what kind of pup she is...dad is a hound and mom is a mix, so she's a mutt which is perfect. It seems that she will be in the 45-50 pound range, so just a tad bigger than Amos.

Stop by and see the newest addition to the Church house....she'll nibble your toes and lick your nose for sure! Oh, and if you can't resist the cuteness, let me know because there are 9 more where she came from and they need homes too!


Church Lady

1 comment:

Kendra said...

Oh my cuteness! The boys will HAVE to see this little one!