July 30, 2006

Back on land...

Grettings all!!!

Cory and I are safely back on land in good ol' Euless, TX now! It's kind of a bittersweet feeling...you know how it is when you come home from vacation. I think it might be worse when you come back from a cruise...just little things like looking at the clock and noticing that it is 6 pm but your waiters are not putting a napkin on your lap, bringing you fresh breads, and serving 5 star fare....instead we are having Taco Bell. Hmmm...must return to the high seas soon!!!!

We have lots and lots of pictures (400 or so) to share...so look for those coming soon!


1 comment:

Donny - MarketingTwin #2 said...

Can't wait to see the pictures!!! Glad you guys are back b/c our boys missed you!