March 14, 2007

Spring Break = Field Trip!!!

Since it's Spring Break around here, I decided to take the Vaughn Fellas out for a little adventure at the Fort Worth Zoo. We had a blast checking out all the animals, wandering around, splurging on a few little treats, and riding the Carousel.

There were a few funny moments too...just ask Colby! He'll tell you all about the elephant going potty!! Eeeew! Tyler told me that his favorite animals to see were the monkeys, and Colby liked the lions best. Little Brady was super excited about the zebra and a turtle.

Some fun photos of the big kids (me and Lindz) and the little guys!

Having a blast...
Church Lady


Anonymous said...

Looks like you guys had a great time! I'm jealous!

Kendra said...

You are so cool with your CM editing software!!! Thanks for the fun outing for my boys. They sure love you and Lindsay!